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While your acquirer or payment processor may train you and your team on how to access chargebacks from online, or to download them to your organization, that doesn't mean they will take the time, or have the experience, to teach you what you need to do with those chargebacks. Chargebacks represent a lot more than just fraud, and as an organization, it is in your best interest to have someone focused on chargebacks to determine which ones could possibly be reversed.



Fraud Solution Provider Landscape. The Fraud Solution Provider Competitive Landscape is a prepared research document, 31 pages in length, intended for organizations looking to gain an introductory understanding to the fraud solution marketplace and the the fraud solution providers servicing that market. The competitive landscape document makes references to over 100 fraud solution providers.


Getting yourself a fraud training certification will improve your ability to prevent fraud while increasing your value and potential for advancement with your employer. The Fraud Practice offers 8 career paths and over 30 training courses related to e-commerce payments and fraud prevention. Check out our training options.


Chargebacks and retrieval requests are a part of doing business if your company accepts credit cards. The problem is many merchants and their staff lack the basic knowledge of what chargebacks and retrieval requests mean, what causes them and what to do about them. Simply ignoring chargebacks and retrieval requests can get your company into a lot of trouble; it could even cause you to lose your merchant account. The intent of this course is to provide the basic knowledge you need to not only understand chargebacks, but also on the four phase chargeback process you will need to follow to manage chargebacks in your company.



The Fraud Practice's Chargeback Monitoring Service goes well beyond calculating fraud and chargeback levels to provide early indications of problems with a company’s payment systems, operational procedures, policies, pricing and promotions.

In short the Chargeback Monitoring Service can not only help companies manage fraud, it can also help them increase customer satisfaction and sales conversion.

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