PRESS RELEASE: Common Chargebacks Often Associated with First Party Fraud
Issuing Banks Becoming More Strict with Friendly Fraud Chargeback Claims
Repeat Friendly Fraudsters Caught for Commission Scam
Best Buy Using Shared Return and Exchange Data to Prevent Friendly Fraud
FTC Makes Recommendations for Protecting Consumer Privacy
Fraudsters Selling Consumer Credit Reports Obtained from Legitimate Sources
Text Message Scams Target Consumers Regionally and Nationwide
Malware Targets Facebook Users
Global Payments Suffers Data Breach, Visa Revokes their PCI Compliance
Consumers use Weak Passphrases too
Green Dot Makes Mobile Acquisition, Planning Mobile Wallet
Identity Fraud Increasing in the UK
Facebook Moves to Monetize Mobile App
Google Wallet Faces Security Concerns
Will Microsoft Make a Mobile Wallet of Their Own?
Visa Predicts Half of their Payments in Europe Will be Made via Mobile by 2020
Google Wallet Gains Support from Additional Carrier: AT&T
PayPal Expands In-Store Payment Trial with Home Depot
Survey Finds Increasing Consumer Comfort with Mobile Payments
The Mobile Wallet Wars Begin